The MANORS Masters Invitational

Words by: Alex Ames
Photography by:Jack Ducey & Billy Downes

The MANORS community gathered at the magnificent Pyrford Lakes to celebrate the start of the major season with arguably the biggest tournament of them all. The MANORS Masters invitational.

But what is a tournament without setting the stakes? Our prize board consisted of a one night stay at The Machrie - the 75th best ranked course in the world, Blue Tees Range Finders, Golf Shoes from Adidas, art prints from Studio 72 and Short Side, A custom Masters putter from Sink Golf, 4 bottles of HAMA Rum, a £1,000 gift voucher with Precision Golf, 2 x £500 longest drive winners, 4 beautiful bouquets of Azaleas, 4 x custom MANORS x Jones golf bags and more MANORS product than you can wave a stick at!

The great and good from MANORS community locked horns in an epic scramble. With nothing to lose, putts were sent racing past the hole or drained in the back of the cup, chips were duffed or nipped, drives were topped in the water or bombed to the heart of the green. Thankfully for the MANORS social media following, fan favourites Jimmy Bullard, Ashley Mullins, Aaron Edwards Hill, and the inimitable “Westy” took first place (it was not rigged - they are very good!).

Hosting the MANORS community is easily the most rewarding part of our jobs. We’re firm believers that golf is about the people you meet and the experiences you share and we’re so grateful to have an engaged community that feels the same way.

See you at The Summer Invitational!